About Me.


I’m a hoosier born boy with a lot of dreams and a drive to see them come to fruition. My biggest loves are in Music, Technology, and Photography.

I grew up with a very musical family. At age 10, I picked up a groove and started to learn how to play kit, one limb at a time! Over the years I began dabbling in more; I learned some ukulele, piano, guitar and I even took it upon myself to buy a cello without yet knowing how to play it properly! Haha. Still working on that…

Technology has always fascinated me. I LOVED taking things apart, figuring out how they worked and trying to put them back together again. Most of this tampering was to try to get old failed pieces of gear to work by frankensteining some things up. Sometimes it would! Sometimes…

I have always had an eye for things, but I never really fed into it until recent years. My Junior and Senior years of high school I was blessed to have taken photography courses where I learned a lot of the basics behind using a camera and the science behind Photography. When it really clicked with me was when I got a modern Polaroid camera for my birthday. Something about the one-of-a-kind physical print is so special. Now in late 2021, I’ve picked up film Photography. The dark room development process has always struck fear in me—what if something goes wrong, you can’t even see your picture until hours later, or sometimes even weeks. But man… Nostalgia hits home, and it resonates with me!

Professional Career

The day after my high school graduation I started working full time for an A/V integrator company called JNE Productions. I had wanted to go away for college, but God had a specific plan for my life! At JNE, I was able to use skills I learned from my Engineering classes from Warren Central’s Walker Career Center, how to manage time, how to hustle, how to bring my best in every step I take, and so much more. I got to travel the country installing gear for hundreds of churches, including Loud Speaker Systems, Cameras, Projectors, LED Walls, Intelligent Lighting Systems; we also were involved with many construction elements with building stages, redesigning old spaces for new life, building custom stage sets—really anything to help a church accomplish its mission!

Not only did JNE give me 3 years of hands on experience and insight, it gave me the value of great leadership. My boss, Jon Cawston, poured in to me in ways I never knew I needed. He was the first person In my life that thoroughly taught me, encouraged me, challenged me, empowered me, and simply believed in me. My first spiritual father. His heart for the Church marked me, and it is infused in thousands of churches across the world.

Something in me knew it was time. In 2021, I began my journey working at Caring Place. Born and raised on the East Side of Indy, I have a soft spot for this community and I truly believe there is so much in store for every person. Where most people see a ghetto, with shootings every week and poverty flooding the streets—I see a people hungry for answers, hungry for loving community. I truly believe with everything inside of me that Caring Place is God’s chosen house for East Side of Indy and beyond. It takes people who are willing—people who are hungry for an encounter with Jesus!

As of 2023, I have started a chapter of my life in Nashville pursuing bible college at The Belonging Co! This is something I’ve wanted to do since 2015 and God opened the right doors at the right times. This will be a full four-year program accredited through Southeastern University, where I'll be studying under TBCØ’s Worship Practicum and earn my Bachelor’s Degree in Worship Ministry and double in Production. This season holds a lot of ‘new things’ for me and I’m incredibly stoked to see what life has for me here!

My Testimony

Born on February 07, 2000. Raised up known by my friends as a church-boy, but… I didn’t feel like I was. I thought church was fine but I didn’t really care about it. My dad had worked there my whole life and I just got to hang out more than other people did. Even in a room full of passionate believers I still found myself alone, and little did I know how much that would affect my future.

It was easy for me to make friends, or really just getting acquainted with people. I am a people pleaser and I’ve never been one for drama. Throughout middle school I began to see the people I loved most move away, distance themselves, lose interest in hanging out; I began to spiral into a heavy depression. It didn’t matter who I was around or how much fun I was having, i would constantly result back to feeling alone. Surprisingly, I’ve never tried drugs, never tried alcohol, never tried smoking… but I sure hung around people who did. With this, I became a very observant person. I would look at what other people are doing, trying to figure out what makes them happy, what helps them through tough seasons, sometimes seeing it as how I could numb my own pains. Honestly, I could never find an answer.

End of 8th grade I knew I was at a low. I only went to youth group because the girl I had a crush on for 3 years told me to come. I knew there was something special about this place, this gathering, every night I went my soul got recharged a little bit but I couldn’t truly pin point what it was that kept me going. Nothing ever worked out with any girl I liked, I didn’t feel a connection on Sunday mornings at church, most of my core friends at this point have moved on; this season stretched me very thin. Consumed with feelings of loneliness, like I wasn’t loved, not being good enough, lack of self-worth… suicidal thoughts rampaged my brain every night, for months.

Fast forward to the last week of school. I lost any care for anything, and I was under the impression that either I was really good at hiding it or no one cared enough to confront me about it. I was ready for it all to stop; I had hit my rock bottom. I gave one last cry out to God for an answer for all this, any solution, or else I would take it all in to my own hands. Within the next few weeks, I found out someone sponsored me to go to Summer Camp. I had been to Kids Summer Camp back when I was like 7 and I remembered it being a blast, but I had never gone again. I figured what the heck, if anything it will be an escape from the real world, and maybe I will meet some cool people.

I was never the same after that week of camp in June of 2015. Jesus met me where I was—not because he never tried before, but because this time I let him in. This time I let out all the ugly that was going on inside of me, and I surrendered it all to him. I’ve never known a peace greater than with Jesus. In some ways, it doesn’t make sense, but I can assure you that I would not be here today if it wasn’t for the freedom I found in giving it all to the one who can handle my baggage. There’s a whole story to why this Jesus guy is so worthy and deserving of a claim like that, but thats for you to discover on your own!